HY-CAN One - System Settings

Set Relay Pulse Time

To change the pulse time of a relay, first select the relay you would like to change. Relay 1A is selected by default.

Next, drag the bar to the number of seconds you would like the relay to fire for. Once set, click the green ‘SEND COMMAND’ button. You will then be taken to your SMS app with a text pre-generated to be sent. Click send on your SMS app to send this info to the panel. Please be aware you will not receive a reply from the panel when the code has been changed.


Set Aux Input as Exit Release

To set the aux input as an exit release, select which relay(s) you would like to be triggered and the function(s) you would like to be performed.

Once set, click the green ‘SEND COMMAND’ button. You will then be taken to your SMS app with a text pre-generated to be sent. Click send on your SMS app to send this info to the panel. You should receive a reply from the panel when the aux has been set up.

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