Alert One - Get Current Settings

What is it?

This menu option allows you to request current information from the panel.

Get Signal Strength

Click the green 'GET NOW' button to request the current signal strength of the panel. When this is pressed you will be taken to your SMS app with a text pre-generated to be sent. Click send on your SMS app to send this text to the panel. You should receive a reply from the panel with the signal strength and the current network it is on.

Get System Time/Date

Click the green 'GET NOW' button to request the current time and date of the clock on the panel. When this is pressed you will be taken to your SMS app with a text pre-generated to be sent. Click send on your SMS app to send this text to the panel. You should receive a reply from the panel with the current time and date.

Get Relay Status

Click the green 'RELAY' buttons to request the current status of the relay. When this is pressed you will be taken to your SMS app with a text pre-generated to be sent. Click send on your SMS app to send this text to the panel. You should receive a reply from the panel with the details of the relay you requested.

Get Authorised Number Info

Type in a phone number to be checked. Next, click the green Send icon on the right hand side of the box. When this is pressed you will be taken to your SMS app with a text pre-generated to be sent. Click send on your SMS app to send this text to the panel. You should receive a reply from the panel with the details of the number you requested.

Get Code Info

Type in a code to be checked. Next, click the green Send icon on the right hand side of the box. When this is pressed you will be taken to your SMS app with a text pre-generated to be sent. Click send on your SMS app to send this text to the panel. You should receive a reply from the panel with the details of the code you requested.

Start Test Call

Type in a phone number to receive a test call from the panel. Next, click the green phone icon on the right hand side of the box. You will be shown a popup explaining what will happen next. To confirm this, click Continue, or to cancel the test call click Cancel. When continue is pressed, you will be taken to your SMS app with a text pre-generated to be sent. Click send on your SMS app to send this text to the panel. You should then receive a test call from the panel within the next 20 seconds. You can answer this and enter access tones to test if the panel is functional. Once finished just hang up.

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